Displays upcoming events from public Google calendars in a customizable fashion.
Displays upcoming events from public Google calendars in a customizable fashion.
Check out the live demo or run the demo locally:
git clone https://github.com/kadams54/upcomingjs.git
cd upcomingjs/
npm install
Include the code:
<script src="upcoming.min.js"></script>
Call upcomingjs:
'#my-upcoming', // Element selector
'MY GOOGLE CALENDAR API KEY', // Google Calendar API key
'MY CALENDAR ID' // Google Calendar ID
Upcoming.js requires three pieces of information, passed in as the three parameters above:
The first bit of information, the DOM selector, is easy. Unfortunately the last two require a bit of work.
Hat tip to Full Calendar for these instructions:
Upcoming.js was created by Kyle Adams, with help from these contributors.